Upgrading and capacity-building of personnel of the central Information and Awareness Department of the Ministry of the Environment

The project organized two workshops, on 18/5/2016 &5/10/2016, to raise and build the capacity of central information and awareness Department personnel in the Ministry of the Environment in the field pops the organization of workshops as part of the project's attention is to spread awareness and knowledge and provide accurate information to workers In the ministry and they deal daily with the media and I have lectured at the workshop a constellation of experts and project consultants in the presence of engineer/Ahmed Abdelhamid-project manager, Ms. Amal Taha-Head of Central Department of Information and environmental awareness. The attendees called for frequent training and continuous communication between the project, the Department of Public Information and awareness of the Ministry of the Environment and the need for a streamlined information guide, as requested to extend the training to the Youth Department of the Ministry and called for the conduct of awareness-raising seminars on POPs in schools and universities and the organization of field visits For project work sites.